Sensory Wisdom

I think for most of us ‘Horse People’, we have the opportunity to be more Sensually inclined than some people because our bodies wrap around a great and magickal beast that lives a life of Sensual and Instinctual knowledge. They can feel a fly land on their 1000-pound body, they take in information through their whiskers, their sight and smell is many times greater than ours and they read energy like we read words. As Horse people we are acutely aware of their Sensory involvement because if we are not, we are likely to be injured.

How much of their knowledge and education is from thinking? How much from Sensory learning? I rode Enchantress on the trail last week and after the ride I spent about an hour with her just hanging out around the staging area. She browsed around on dried grass a bit, but much of her time was spent just sensing the world around her. She drew deep breaths expanding her nostrils as she read the smells around her, and she held her head high and still as she studied the landscape. Her whole body was alive and receptive to what was taking place in the world around her.

Because I am easily mesmerized by my Horses, I found myself in awe of her complete immersion in the intangible information surrounding her and how she was receiving messages through all of her senses. I let go of time and agenda and just basked in the privilege of sharing space with a being so connected to the significance of being still and listening to the ethereal.

As we stood quietly, I felt us come together and external distractions faded away. The noise of civilization became distant, and the sound of the air spoke of sacred wisdom only heard with the senses.

I felt the burden of Human obligation diminish from my conscious mind and I became Sensually open. And in this space, I was receptive. I was susceptible to Wisdom that bypassed my mind and infiltrated my flesh. This Sensory input reminded my body that I am more than my thinking. More than my experiences. More than my limited understanding of what my life could be. I am more than what I ‘think’ I should/could be. And that I cannot think or read my way to this Sensory Wisdom that is ever present in the earth around me. I remembered that I am also a Sensory being, as my Horse is, and that it is up to me to choose to align with this Sensual Wisdom freely available to those who care to embrace its seduction.

Auberon in the Mist

The Invitation

Because I know the tremendous benefit that comes from spending time just hanging out with my Horses, I Invite you to do the same. No riding, no groundwork, no games, no training, cues, orders or suggestions to your Horse. Just walk with them. Observe where they put their attention, do they give themselves to the Sensory world around them? Are they more focused on you? If so, is it from love and connection or are they waiting for orders as to what you expect next from them? If your Horse has had little time to relax and share quiet moments with you with no expectations she may not know how to let go and give herself to the experience of Sensory Wisdom while in your presence. Being able to share this experience together is of great benefit to you both. There is huge advantage for your Horse to ‘be a Horse’ in its natural state when you are alone together. And we can draw from their Sensory receptivity, as we do this, they will view us as an ally in the relationship of honoring them as a Horse. With no expectations.

Delaya Diana © 2020

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