READINGS… To Hear The Voice Of The Horse

I do most Readings remotely, I find there are less distractions and interruptions and I can receive better information from the Horse when we are private. This also enables for me to read for Horses anywhere in the world, all that is required is the Horse’s name, gender, a photo of the Horse’s eye and a full body shot. It is my privilege to be able to communicate with you on their behalf.

Horse facing you.

Soul Purpose Reading

Soul Purpose Readings are a direct communication from the Horse, they choose the topic and the words that they have come to share this lifetime. I find that Horses most often talk about their life purpose and that usually relates to their Humans purpose, as well as their concern or observations of their Human. The information I receive comes from my skills as a Clairsentient and a Claircognizant Empath, its as though I am a scribe for the message from the Horse.

I have learned that Horses and Humans experience many of the same challenges and success in life, from personal crisis to personal triumph. I have also experienced that sometimes as I ‘read’ for the horse, that they are ‘reading’ their human, and the information passed on is more for the Human than the Horse and reveals how the Horse is there to support their Human.

These Readings are in depth, personal and compelling. After I channel with the Horse I write the Invitation, this is where I apply practical application from the information contained within the Reading. This provides ways to incorporate the message from the Horse into your daily life, the Horse is still involved in the Invitation. This process makes them highly personal and accurate, most Readings take 3-4 hours to channel and translate for the Horse. This work has tremendously expanded my education in the wisdom, the depth, the concerns, the insecurities, and the altruist nature inherent within the secret lives of Horses.

Each Soul Purpose Reading is delivered in a PDF and Readings average 12 – 18 pages, each Reading includes a follow-up conversation with me. After purchase, please send and email with a close-up photo of the eye, a full body shot, and name and gender of the animal for the Reading.

Soul Purpose Reading

Includes a private follow-up conversation with me. Discounts available for multiple Horses.


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Woman with horse's head on her shoulder.

Connection Reading

Connection Readings are much shorter and less detailed than the Soul Purpose Readings and unlike a Soul Purpose Reading; in a Connection Reading the Human is invited to ask the Horse questions about behaviors, attitudes, relationships or desires in the Horse and how it relates to the Human. Because this is a short Reading, please limit to 3 questions.

These Readings are the gateway to Readings, they provide information for Horse and Human to step into deeper partnership and understanding through insight provided by the emotions, purpose, desires and challenges of the Horse.

This is an excerpt from a Connection Reading, (shared with permission) with JC and Joyce; ‘

“I am fortunate, I have within my care a Human. She is within my care because she understands how this all works, and she is in my care because I know who she is, and she knows me. Together we create stability and purpose. I care for her; in ways she does not even know. I keep her within my holding of space in her daily life. I watch over her in her darkness. I believe that she is of great treasure, and I am fortunate to have this responsibility. It is my gift and my obligation. I came here for this.”

For the Reading I will need a close up photo of your Horse’s eye, a body shot, gender and name, please send these in an email after purchase.

Please note: Horses usually do not speak to me about tack issues or health concerns, my work is to speak for the Soul of the Horse.

Connection Reading


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Three horses superimposed with clouds.

Beyond the Veil Reading

Our spirit is eternal and leaving the physical body does not change our connections. I am often asked to speak to Horses that have passed through the Veil, and I find their concern, observations and their relationship is still strong.

Sometimes life keeps us busy or can be disruptive and harsh, and it’s easy to let relationships slide despite our good intentions. And then one day they are no longer with us in physical form, and we have regrets.

I have never once heard a Horse blame their Human for this. I believe that it is because they know they can still communicate and participate in the relationship from the other side of the Veil. The good news is that our Horses are still interested in us.

If you would like information from a Horse that has passed through the Veil, I am happy to communicate with them on your behalf. I will need photos, a full body shot and a close up of the eye. If for some reason you no longer have any photos, contact me for a conversation around this.

Please note, Horses speak to me about purpose and insight about their Human, and most likely won’t say where Uncle Mel hid the family jewelry 😊

Beyond the Veil Reading


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Exerpts from my readings…


Delaya from True North Equestrians was kind enough to do a soul communication with our 11 year old Waler mare, Rose, recently. Through Delaya, Rose communicated a great deal that was very personal and encouraging. Her message was one of acceptance and forgiveness of self, and of flowing forwards without reference to the ballast of my past. Rose’s message about reviewing and evolving my descriptions of certain aspects of my feelings was truly enlightening. I would recommend Delaya for a Soul Purpose Reading to assist with any similar soul or spirit work that you may wish to undertake with your Horse.

—Katherine, Wadi Farm Equine Learning Centre, Western Australia

Delaya, you have an incredible, unique gift. I have never come across anything like what you are offering. Being able to communicate with Lucy about her Soul purpose adds such depth to our relationship. You were so incredibly spot on; it has blown my mind. There are no words, just tears right now. Everything made complete sense and has given me greater insight to Lucy.  I knew she was incredibly powerful from the minute I saw her photo when I was looking for a horse. Your reading has boosted those thoughts and added a whole new layer of respect for her. Thank you.

—Amanda Perkins, Australia

I pride myself on having a deep soul connection with my horse, and I’ve resisted animal communication up until this point because I feel like “I know what she is thinking. I don’t need that.” But boy oh boy, was I ever wrong. Delaya’s reading laid to rest about six things I’ve been second-guessing in my horsemanship journey. The accuracy had tears streaming down my face and the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. We are ready for a change in training philosophy, AND, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with our relationship. We just need to learn to communicate better. Whenever we hit a patch of resistance, I worry that she doesn’t understand my intentions or thinks that I’m just bossy for no reason. I don’t need to worry about that at all. My horse sees me fully. I see her fully. I now understand how incorporating my horse into my Spiritual life will bring such benefit to all aspects of my life, including my business. We simply need to step into our power. THANK YOU Delaya.

—Laura Langfitt, California

I had a reading for my horse from Delaya and I was amazed at the accuracy of it. I sent her a picture of my horse and she picked up details of our relationship and offered suggestions that would help my horse and me have a even closer relationship. I haven’t met Delaya and she has never met my horse so that made her accurate reading even more incredible. I highly recommend Delaya if you are interested in developing a closer relationship with your horse or just want to know more about what your horse may be thinking.

—Pam Alexander, Ohio

I cannot thank Delaya Diana enough for her help with my horse and two of my dogs. My horse, Rozy, an older quarter horse had experienced a rough life. Delaya helped me understand this horse, and in turn Rozy helped heal my fears after being violently thrown from a fearful horse. Several years later Delaya helped me with some issues my 150 pound Newfoundland was dealing with. She suggested I introduce her to the horses on her property and my dog was transformed. Clearly this water dog who did not like to swim was really meant to work with horses. Most recently I adopted a 3 year-old rescue dog and Delaya’s advice has been invaluable. This is my first rescue dog and there is so much to learn about her. Delaya was able to look at a few pictures of her and give me guidance on my dog’s fears, concerns, and needs. Delaya is an amazing Empath and connects with animals in a profound way. I owe her a great deal of thanks.

—Elisa Robyn, Colorado

I was doing a short-term lease option to buy on a new horse and wanted more information about her. My intuition told me that she was a very wise old soul but I had only been with her for about 10 days. Delaya’s reading was absolutely incredible and totally “spot on” according to her current owner. It gave me tremendous insight into her mind and heart and is instrumental in helping us develop a deep bonded relationship. Everyone at our small barn that I shared the reading with was amazed by the depth and accuracy of the reading – so much so that several of them are having Delaya do a reading for their own horses!

—Jane Derow, California

Wow. I will be reflecting on this for quite a while. It’s interesting to me that this reading has been, in so many ways, about me. I didn’t expect that! And I think you are spot on, Delaya. Your reading means a great deal to me, and will help me to continue in this direction with Willow. Your reading has touched me deeply, Delaya. I am grateful for you, your time and your insight. Thank you so much.

—Carrie, California

This is REALLY freaky! I have felt that we are done with ‘training’ and that we are working on connection at a much deeper level. There is no way you would know this, it had to have come from Red.

—Joyce, California
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