In a conversation with Mystic about some challenges I was experiencing, she said, ‘You struggle with believing in the power of Equus healing. Because you are sensitive, you are subject to so much of the energy around you, and that energy is not supportive of healing, it does not recognize the power held in the breath of horses.’
I find this to be true for me. Because I am an Empath, much of the energy in the world around me is loud and not in alignment with who I really am and the life I am here to fulfil.
Spending quiet time with my Horses helps to settle my nervous system. When I am present and just being in their company, I feel myself start to calm. I feel a promise of possibility and comfort echoing around us.
Just touching their body, inhaling the scent of Horse, and feeling the power in their energy inspires a sense of renewal. It lifts me above the expected and mundane in modern obligation and chaos.
The more I give myself to this surrender from human overthinking to the natural instincts of my animal self I find it easier to function in this life that omits so much of the natural world.
Most Horses do not overthink, they rely instead on their instincts and the energy presented to them. This is my aspiration. To become deeper entwined with the essential nature of my origins as a mammal that is connected to the earth.
My Horses bring a constant invitation to remember this vital element of negotiating life in a culture obsessed with busyness.
The Invitation
When in the company of your Horse(s), lean into their energy of observing and connecting to the world around them. As Human, the thinking is ever present, but we have the option to let it be there without becoming those thoughts. While grooming your Horse, or just walking with them, allow yourself to tune into their breath, their heart space, their energy field.
I say ‘allow yourself’ because that is what is needed. Permission to give yourself back to your own wild nature so that you can embrace and benefit from the Power Held in the Breath of Horses.