
As Human we tend to over think and focus in on a situation with a narrowed perspective and the more we focus intently on something, the less options we see. Though, sometimes we can use our focus to take things within that focus apart and understand the workings of the issue at hand.

Other times we must observe the situation with less focus so that we can sense the options all around us so that we do not become slaves to a single focus.

Being aware of the lens we use in our relationship with our Horses is key to our authenticity of partnership.

Over the years my lens has changed drastically. When I first got Mysitc I saw her as a sensitive, reactive, and timid young Horse, and I held on to that lens for many years. Until one day I saw her as she had become. A beautiful, fluid, and confident Mare.

And then my lens changed even more and now I see her with the eyes of a poet. She is a grade Arabian, adopted from a rescue, there is no fancy breeding or impressive size. There is nothing spectacular to see when you look at her through the lens of scrutiny.   

But when you see her through the lens that captures essence, then you see her spirit. Then you see how sweet and honest she is. How adaptive she is. I see within her poetry in real life. I see courage and experience witnessed in her response to situations presented her. I see within and around her a quiet beauty. This lens tells the truth about her. This lens does not reflect her past.

When I first got Enchantress, I saw her through the lens of good fortune. I am not one to pay a lot of money for Horses. I find good Horses in low places that need an opportunity to be cared for and become their potential. So, to have the chance to have a Horse with this kind of breeding needing her opportunity, I saw through the lens of good fortune and I was amazed that she would be with me.

I saw her as a creature of great beauty and movement and wondered if she knew how beautiful she was. I wondered if she would want to be in the show ring bearing witness to her champion sire and grandsire.

Once I was able to let go of the lens of her physical beauty and my great fortune to have her, she asked me to look with a different lens. Chant is not concerned about her beauty or her breeding. She is concerned with education. Hers and mine. She likes to learn things, wants to be good at them, and she wants me to be educated in her purpose with me.

Now, when I see her, I feel the call to check in and be honest about these things. Am I educating her as she wishes? No, I am remiss in this. Am I understanding her purpose with me and applying it to my life? Yes, very much so.

Now when I am with her, I see us with the lens of accountability. We are both purpose driven and we use this lens of accountability to keep us on track. She sees me with the lens of surrogate teaching. As she educates me, I pass on what I have learned and experienced. And I see reflected in her lens towards me…. Satisfaction. She is fulfilling her purpose through me.

What lens do you see your Horse though? Is it current, or is it dated? Is it honest or is it judgmental? Is it bringing you closer or is it causing division?

Auberon in the Mist

The Invitation

Think back on how you viewed your Horse when you first met, then move on a little further in your relationship. Look at it now. Do you see your Horse the same or can you witness the changes made? If you do not notice changes, be honest with yourself and observe how it is that you see your Horse. Are you allowing yourself to see your Horse through a new lens? If not, perhaps you can apply this same technique towards yourself.

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