Equine Assisted Spirituality is the pathway I choose to explore all that is Divine. My best and most effective soulful introspection is with my Horses. Sometimes I call it Horse Religion. This concept is not so much about the study of wrong and right, but rather, “How do my horses view me”? What are they witness to through my behavior and my actions”?
Because I value them so much and consider them to be my spiritual consorts, I care deeply what they witness. I care what they experience and see through my interaction with them. I look to them as a reflection of who I am and how I am responding and what I am offering.
This keeps me on course to my True North, and my True North is to live a life that intertwines this Human journey with soulful leadership regardless of popular opinion.
A common lovely quote that most of us have heard is “God is watching us through the eyes of a Horse”. Of course, this could be said of all animals and people, but my check in point is Horses. And if we were constantly aware that we are being watched and assessed, we would all consider our words, our actions, and our behavior more.
I spend a lot of time with my Horses, just hanging out with them, we hand walk/graze a lot. During this time, I feel an intangible energy around us, encapsulating us, as though we are being held in the spirit of an Unknown that is sharing with us a powerful connection that links us together. Forever. Here and beyond this life and this world.
This Unknown speaks to our very soul. Though this is intangible I feel it deeply with my senses, with my intuition, my heart, and my soul. And I feel that my Horses are in tune and within this energy field as well.
During these times change takes place. We solidify our agreements and our desires. We ask for patience, understanding, and forgiveness. We ask for unity so that we better travel our purpose together.
I lean into this Unknown vibration. The frequency here elevates me out of the mundane and the uncertainty, I become aware of potential barriers between us and all that challenges who we are and what we are about. And I remind myself that this is an internal and personal experience based on our agreements and outside opinion is irrelevant.
Human or Horse, we have our instincts to deal with, and I have the Human ego that sometimes struggles for control of my expectations and desires. I respect my ego because it accompanies this Human life, and its job is to point out possible threats and to protect my Human insecurities.
And I constantly try to blend my ego with the Unknown that unendingly beckons me to trust in this intangible realm of possibility that speaks of pathways not yet traveled. One that my Horses travel with me without question.

The Invitation
Spend some time evaluating how personal your soul journey with your Horse is going. Consider how much you allow others to influence this connection. Perhaps take notes or journal on strengths and challenges between you or around you and find soulutions that will incorporate more of the great Unknown and less of the frivolous distractions that fight for your attention. Write vows that pledge allegiance to follow insight into this amazing soul journey with the ever forgiving, ever watching, and ever faithful Horse. And revel in the rewards that follow.