Horse and the moon

Trainable and Untamable

My first Horse, an Arabian Mare was Untamable. She was entirely trainable, but her spirit was untamed. She had a fire inside her that burned brighter than any cloak of domestication could ever control or diminish. This was her seduction, the willingness to collaborate with me and still remain true to her indigenous wild nature. …

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Woman with horse at sunset

The Unridden Horse

The role of the Horse has shifted tremendously during the last few decades. Most of my life I remember hearing conversations where people were looking to rehome a horse because it was no longer ridable. Or they would just put it down because it served no purpose. In our world today, there is a rising …

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Messengers of God

Angels, Messengers of God I believe that Horses are one of the ways that the Divine speaks to us and through us. Angels are described as being messengers of God and I view Horses as Earth Angels that come here with many messages. Sometimes they support us, sometimes they comfort us, they may lead us …

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Woman with white horse on a hillside.

Self-knowledge through the Horse

Because of my insatiable hunger to know the soul of my Horses I am forced to know myself. In truth I had rather not bother with this, I would like to disappear and only see the Horse. My presence in this relationship is often heavy and filled with baggage. But this is not the reason …

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