My friend Jan Alexander told me of an article she read that inferred that empaths are like prey animals, and this was possibly part of her connection to Horses. I found this interesting.
As an Empath this makes so much sense to me. I gravitate to Horses. While in their presence I feel like I belong to their essence, like we have things in common that are not common with other species. I love dogs and can’t imagine life without one, but Horses carry an entirely different feel.
They carry Mystery, power, speed, independence, invitations, and they carry great vulnerability. Empaths are also vulnerable, sometimes it takes years to understand what is yours and what you are picking up on that belongs to someone else, some empaths may never understand this and will always carry emotions that do not belong to them.
Horses often carry things that do not belong to them. When it comes to Humans in their life they may carry the pressure, the judgments, the dissatisfaction, the disappointment or demands that are placed upon them, fairly or not fairly. Fortunate Horses will carry dreams and pleasure, freedom and approval from their Humans.
As a prey animal Horses are always on guard. They do not have the luxury of being carefree, they must rely on the herd to stand guard for moments of relaxation. Empaths deal with this as well, we know that we are not always safe with other Humans. Many Humans that connect with Horses carry this same energy, they need their herd to find stability and protection. They share the same need to belong, the same vulnerability. And being among other prey animals feels like kindred souls to which they can entrust themselves to.
All Horses are prey animals, some are also empaths, and this heightens their senses and carries the feelings of risk in various and expanded ways. Not only are they susceptible to predators, they are susceptible to the emotions of Horses and Humans around them.
As Human it is our responsibility and our privilege to notice and understand this about Horses in our care and Horses around us. And when we do this, the empath in us will find safe haven within the herd.
The Invitation
When you find yourself among Horses, release the control of your mind and walk among them with your senses. Notice which ones are intense in their emotions and overly sensitive, overly withdrawn, or overly reactive. These Horses are empaths, not only do they deal with being a prey animal, they deal with emotions that come from around them. Cut these Horses some slack, give them some support and allow them to rest in your presence. Being a prey animal is challenging, being a prey animal that is an empath is even more challenging. They are not trying to be difficult; they are trying to cope.
Thanks, as an empath, you get it!