While doing a Gateway Reading for my friend Joyce, her Horse made the statement; ‘I have within my care, a Human’. This statement caused me to stop the Reading and take in the enormity of its meaning. As Human, we think we are the ones that does the care because we provide so much for our Horses, it is our responsibility and our privilege. Yet, JC has opened an entirely new perspective on the powerful roles that Horses take on concerning their Human.
This statement has haunted me; it has opened my eyes to how seriously Horses take the responsibility of their Human. Some more than others I suspect, like Humans some are more Soulfully inclined than others. For those of us, Horse or Human that commit fully to supporting the Soul of the Relationship we have within our care the Soul and the welfare of that individual.
By incorporating this statement, ‘I have within my care, a Human’, we have acknowledged that the Horse is a guardian and is observing how we go about our days. They observe when we are estranged from our purpose or from them, and they are silently holding us steady until we find our balance again. So much of this sustenance is quietly behind the scenes of our everyday life, yet it holds so much power.
We will never know how much of our lives are protected or expanded because of the Horse that came to be with us as our guardian, our Soul kin, or our mentor. And our lives are safer, sweeter, stronger and more beautiful because they chose to ‘have within my care, a Human’.
The Invitation
When you next visit your Horse, observe them with this perspective. Have they been supporting you when you were not aware of their dedication to support you? Open your heart and your psyche and see if you can find the times that they held you steady when you could not hold yourself. Notice the times they have guided you into new frontiers of understanding and clarity as you navigate your path together. Agreeing to take someone into your care is a tremendous responsibility, it is an agreement for a lifetime.