Become the Poet

I see things in my Horse that others do not see. My grey Mare, Mystic, is a 14.2 hand grade Arabian, quiet, a little stand offish, average looking. Nothing spectacular from an outside perspective. But I don’t see her from the outside. I see the inside. I see her Sweet Spirit, I see her willingness to cooperate. I see and understand that she is always committed to instincts more wild than domestic. That she is a Horses horse and though she is appreciative towards me, she will always prefer the Herd to Human.

I see and hear that she speaks honestly of her intentions to remain herself; though I would dearly love for her to choose me above all she has made it clear that she is betrothed to her place in the Herd and I cannot seduce that away from her.

She makes my heart sing. Because I love her, I am drawn to seek her beauty. I see that her muscles are long and sloping, that she carries a quiet grace. I see that she has a simple elegance in her movement, and I overlook that her legs are not straight and that her neck is a bit low at the withers. These minor flaws are petty and if I base my view of her on them, I lose. I cannot waste this sweet engagement on such minor imperfections. When I choose to see her beauty, I become the Poet in our relationship, and as a Poet my whole world holds more beauty.

My bay Mare, Enchantress, is quite stunning. Well bred and confident and very interested in Human interaction. And while I do delight in her beauty, what I really see is her desire to ‘amount to something’ to be accomplished in her skills and not just seen for her beauty.

 When I am with her as the Poet, I feel her hunger for accomplishment, for endorsement of her skills and talent. I feel her passion to explore all that she can become, and I understand that being seen for her beauty alone will never satisfy her need for achievement. Because she is my Beloved, I create ways to gratify her need for knowledge, this must be satisfied within her. If she is satisfied, I am satisfied.

Poetry speaks the language of love and the language of love speaks to all living things. I can see my Horses with the eye of a breeder, a judge or a competitor, or, I can choose to see them through the eyes of Poetry. The eyes of the Poet always seeks for beauty, for passion, strength, vulnerability, purpose and accomplishment. Whether a pasture pet or a competitor, seeing with the eyes of a Poet will bring out the best in any Horse.

Auberon in the Mist

The Invitation

Set aside a few minutes, more if you can, and look at your horse though the eyes of a love-struck Poet. Look for beauty, individuality, subtleties and uniqueness. Look for signs that speak only to you, see them as unspoken sonnets that witness the devotion or potential between you. Tuck these moments away in your heart and listen for hoofbeats that sync with heartbeats. It is up to you, will you see with eyes of judgment and impatience or will you see with eyes that see seduction and possibility?

Delaya Diana © 2020

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