We Are The Same

I know that some people believe that Horses are highly evolved spiritually, far more than Humans and they are here to teach us. I know some people that believe that Horses are not spiritually inclined and do not have the capacity for expanded thinking and are just Horses. For years I have said that we …

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Horse and Human eyes

eQUESTrian Namaste

The word Namaste is a common greeting or blessing between the spiritually inclined these days. The translation is, ‘The Divine within me greets the part of you that is Divine’. This practice is an acknowledgement that in our effort to see the best in someone we bypass the ego, the judgments and preconceive notions that …

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Divine Sight

There is a saying that God is watching us through the eyes of the Horse. Clearly this would apply to anything that we spend time with or any other Being that we value. I often think of this when I am with my Horses. While quietly spending time with them its easier to keep my …

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Lost, Stolen, Recovery

Many of us know about lost pieces of ourselves, the shattered dreams, abandoned joy, betrayal, lost opportunities and broken hearts. We also know that we pick up the pieces and go forward, sometimes with great resilience, sometimes with feigned courage while inwardly we are hollow. We may carry great sadness, or we are desperate for …

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