Intuitive Knowing

We all have a deep knowing inside us. Often it is dismissed because we are not trained to listen, or to recognize it, never mind validate it. We tend to think that an idea or ‘knowing’ that stirs within our inner being is not valid because it has not been endorsed by a professional or …

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Ride to Know

Joan Didion wrote; ‘I write to know what I think’. As a writer, I agree. As a Rider, I find that sometimes I ride to know what I feel, what I need to know. As a HorseWoman that is not a competitor, I find that most of my rides come from my need to reconnect …

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Horses running in the mist.

Do What Matters

Life is busy. It’s so easy to live a ‘too busy’ life. If we are not mindful, drama, drivel and illusions will fill our days. And at the end of the day… we have neglected what mattered. Misplaced priorities and external distractions can appear large and urgent, yet at the end of the day, they …

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